Monday 22 November 2010

Birthday treats

Well Friday was a pretty awesome day. I got ready and headed to Ians to do the cleaning. By the time I had finished, Ian was walking back from the train station so I waited around for him to get home. It was so good to see him again! We ate some pizza and watched the Jim Jeffries dvd that we had seen, you could see me for a split second in the audience :) I then headed back to mine to get ready for the night ahead. Dain was having his birthday get together at the Load so some of us went down. Considering I hadn't drank that much I felt rather drunk and I remember quite little from the night, but what I do remember was good. However I wasn't as bad as Ian, I think a combination of not eating a lot and lack of sleep had taken it's toll on him and so he just crashed out so I had to take him home. Bless him, he was rather drunk and spent the night with his head in my bin and apologising to me :P

Saturday, after a long lye in, Ian and I headed to his so he could charge his phone and then made our way to Sainsburys to pick up ingredients to make muffins :)
We returned to mine, had dinner, watched some television and then proceeded on making muffins. It was quite fun and the outcome was very scrummy. We also brought some white chocolate hot chocolate and marshmallows so scoffed them down while watching the latest episodes of Fringe and Castle and a film called Shutter which was rather good. It was a lovely evening :)

Sunday we lazed about in bed until he had to depart back to Reading :( I then did some work and caught up on some television I had missed over the weekend.
Today was my moms birthday! We had a lovely fry up and then made our way to Uxbridge to watch the new Harry Potter. It was pretty good, it was a lot darker than the other films and jumpy in places, it made me cry too but unfortunately Daniel Radcliffes acting skills have not improved much. We then returned home, drank some tea and watched television. Danny popped over quickly and gave me some tunnels as I am stretching my ear, Murray kindly lent me his stretchers :) Danny also asked me possibly the funniest question I think I have ever been asked, I hope my advice was helpful to him though. When he left my parents and I headed to the Palm Suite where we had dinner. I requested that we sat by the Stargate photos because I'm nerdy like that :)
I stuffed my face with cocktails, duck salad starter and a chicken and bacon burger :)

Overall I have really enjoyed the past few days but unfortunately I have my assessment on Friday so I now really have to crack on with some work.

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