Tuesday 2 November 2010


Exactly what I am feeling right now. Have no real clue what I want to do. Really thinking about a siversmithing or jewelry degree. But parents are saying it's pointless as it's a hands-on job and you need experience, so I should do an apprenticeship, but I don't want to do that, I want the whole uni experience and a degree under my belt. To be honest I know all they are taking into consideration is how much a degree is going to cost them as they are paying for it and they just want the cheap option.
I have no idea what job I would like in the future or even what field of work I want to be in, but I know that silversmithing and jewelry design interests me and I enjoy it, so why not follow your heart and do what you love, but my parents don't seem to understand that.

Give me direction.

Give me ideas.


Give me a purpose.


I'm reading yet another book Ian gave me called Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, definitely recommend it, but that is a reference to it if no one got it :)

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