Tuesday 23 November 2010


Well today has been busy. I have been manically trying to get loads of work done before my assessment. I woke up pretty early and got started straight away. I have now finished a painting of Jess, I'm terrible at drawing people but feel this one didn't go TOO badly, sorry Jess :)

(You can't see the shading under her chin in the photo so she looks like she has a huge chin, but I promise it doesn't look like that in real life.)
For my fine art bit of my project I have been doing some work in an old cookery book and this is another painting of Jess in it, with cake on her face. This was done very quickly and isn't very good but I thought it was quite funny, apologies.

I also visited Uxbridge High to see my old head of year so she could help me with UCAS. She didn't exactly do what I hoped she would do which was go through it all online with me and help me fill out, but I guess she is busy. But it was great to see some of my old teachers again and have a catch up :)

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