Thursday 18 November 2010

Chocolate cake

Monday was spent lazing about in my pjs and trying to do work.
Tuesday I went into uni for a meeting about fine art. It was so boring! There were a few artists that came in and spoke to us and did a power point presentation, I nearly fell asleep. But at least it made me realise I don't want to do fine art :)
Wednesday I went into uni again to have a talk about the new course Bucks offers, three dimensional contemporary craft. I was a bit worried that it was just going to be like the day before and be very boring, but luckily I was wrong and it was brilliant! I got to make a pot out of clay and do glass blowing! I have always wanted to do glass blowing and it was so interesting to watch :)
Wednesday was also Jasons birthday so a load of us went out to the Met to celebrate. I met up with Poove at the load before hand and had a quick drink with Dain before meeting the others. We then spent the evening eating chocolate fudge cake, drinking lots and watching some very old embarrassing videos.

Today Jess kindly came over and helped me with my UCAS, we got quite a bit done but mainly just chatted, ate pizza and drank tea :)
I then did some painting of a photo I took of Jess. Danny then popped over for a random visit and we watched loads of videos by Charlieissocoollike and had a nice catch up :)
Ian comes back tomorrow! So excited about seeing him, 2weeks is too long :(

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