Friday 1 April 2011


Monday I did uni work and I think that was pretty much it. Tuesday I did the same during the day. In the evening I went to see Jess's final performance for her uni course. It was really good and of course she was brill :)
Went to the Met with Han and Jacob after for one drink then went home and slept.
Wednesday I worked at the pub for a bit. I was my dads birthday so in the evening we went out for an Indian meal which was very yummy. When we got back Ian came over and we spent the night watching Jackass episodes.
Thursday I was called into work again at the pub because it was really messy, bit of extra money, can't complain. In the afternoon Hannah came over and we made our way to Uxbridge to meet Ryan and Ian. We had won tickets to see Sucker Punch at the IMAX introduced by Zack Snyder, the director :) It was awesome!! Gave us all a bit of a headache though because the screen was so big. Ian and I went back to mine, had some paracetamol and slept.
Today Ian and I had a nice lye-in and then watched Easy A and ate sweets :)
After he left I got on with some more work. Have done all my ideas now so just need to start developing them.
Was meant to be going out for dinner tonight with parents and family friends but all of a sudden I'm not invited and have to stay at home by myself :/ They complain I don't spend enough time with them but when I try they just push me away. They gang up on me too and pretend they didn't say things when they did.

I don't them, I just can't wait until I can move away.
Luckily Faye is at hand and has offered for me to go to hers, have some food and then drink the sorrows away :)

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