Thursday 7 April 2011


Haven't been blogging as regularly as I used to, I have been distracted by Tumblr and if I'm honest I have just been lazy. So excuse me if things are a little vague because I can't really remember what days I did what or even what I did.
I know that at some point Ian came over for an evening and we watched Perfume story of a murderer, it's a crazy weird film but I really do love it, ate Percy Pigs, which we have got a little addicted to and watched Nitro Circus.

I also did some uni work, well I have done quite a bit but I took some awesome photos through a microscope. Didn't think it would work but it did and I'm really pleased with the outcome :)

Wednesday I worked for a bit down the Load and then made my way to Ian's. Things didn't really go to plan but the day was still lovely. We postponed going to the cinema because we wanted to sit in the sun...

But by the time we got back to his and ordered pizza, I had developed a migraine, so we cancelled cinema and watched Cinderella instead while Ian doctored me back to health.

My grandad has come to stay with us now. He sold his house and now has no where to live. I can't say I'm thrilled with this situation but I have no choice in the matter. Today was spent having awkward, forced conversations with him, doing uni work and staying in on a lovely day :/

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