Monday 11 April 2011

Sun and drinks

Friday was yet another glorious day of sunshine. I hung out with some people down the bicentennial gardens and then in the evening I went to the Load and met up with Ian and Brannigan's Law after their band practice. I had one drink and then went to Ian's for the night.
Saturday I returned to mine for a bit and then went back to his for lovely pasta he made :) We met up with various people in the evening at the Met, we drank there for a bit and then moved onto the Treaty. It was a really good night, got to meet lots of new people and ate an amazing chicken burger before returning home :)

When Ian and I got up, rather hungover, my dad had cooked BBQ lamb with lots of nice salads and stuff so we tucked into that while sitting outside with the family.

Ian then had to leave and get on with his work. I stayed outside and soaked up the sun. In the evening I went to Ian's, other people were meant to join but they cancelled :/ We watched Unstoppable with his parents and ate Percy pigs :) Tom then gave me a lift home.
Today I have done lots of uni work and ate tonnes of food.
The sun has disappeared and it looks like it's going to rain, stupid English weather!

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