Wednesday 27 April 2011

Dough balls

Today I had a rather nice lie in, then got up in a shock when I realised the time. I got ready for work and headed to the Load. Did a few hours there and did maths equations with Dain. Sam then gave me a lift to Uxbridge where I had to pick up an aerial booster from Argos and some stuff for my uni work.
When I returned home I drank many cups of tea before Jess came round. I spoke to her about some various events and things that have been nagging on me and then we left to meet the others for Pizza Express. Jess, Han and I obviously had dough balls and chicken caesar salad because that's what we always have! :)
After stuffing our faces we headed to the Met, I only stayed for one drink as my bed was calling for me.

I seem to be crying myself to sleep more often than not these days. I see things and over think them. Then worry and get so upset I feel like I can’t breathe :(
I’m so fucking stupid, I wish I didn’t care.

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