Sunday 3 April 2011


Fridays evening was awesome, Faye's counselling service works wonders. We went to hers and picked up a bottle of wine on the way. We sat in the garden drinking for a bit and then went to the Met. There were loads of people out we knew and the drinks were flowing at a rapid pace. Ended up going to the Treaty, bumping into a very drunk Tom and drinking whisky, stayed until it closed and then got a cab back.

Woke up feeling a bit worse for wear and was then late getting to Ian's to do cleaning. Felt a bit better after having some food. Popped into Uxbridge and got mumma her present and then went back to Ian's for dinner. He had been feeling rough all day and then threw up about an hour before we were meant to be going out :( I still went out as I said I would meet people but I felt terrible leaving him.
Ended up getting incredibly drunk. Met up with Jess and went to Met where we bumped into loads of people going to Rock night too. Faye was working so we got many sly free drinks. Saw James there who I haven't seen in about 4 years and it was awesome to catch up with him again :)
Think my drink could of been spiked because I don't remember a thing! Things are usually a little hazey after a night out but I have huge chunks just gone! :/ We bumped into Han in Uxbridge on the way back, I was being hit on by a lesbian, I passed out in front of Superdrug and we got a cab home, I don't remember any of this! :/
Good night anyways.

Slept most of today and recovered. Haven't done anything else, Jess and Han was meant to be coming over but we were too hungover so have postponed it. Ian's watching wrestling at his so I'm all alone and so bored!!!!

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