Sunday 17 April 2011

Too much has happened for a title

Tuesday I uni worked during the day. Have made a few pieces of jewellery now which I am rather pleased with, shall photograph soon and share with you all. In the evening Jess and Becky came over, we had a wonderful catch up and got slightly drunk. Hannah joined us later for some amusing antics.
Wednesday I cleaned at the Load and then went to Ian's and ordered chinese takeaway. I have missed the taste of aromatic duck. We watched a film called Monsters and I played Tiny Wings for a bit before departing home. A few bits I ordered offline came this day too, a mustard coloured skirt, floral headband and a knitted vintage jumper.
Thursday I did some more uni work during the day. As Tuesday night was such good fun the girls and I decided to repeat it. They came round in the evening and we stuffed ourselves with pizza, spring rolls, pringles, popcorn and plenty of Malibu :) It was a really funny night, I do love those lassies.

Friday I went to Ian's to clean, he was sat in a cupboard writing his dissertation the majority of the time, nevertheless it was nice to see him for a bit. He then had to leave for a band practice so we went our separate ways. After some dinner I went to the Load. There were a few people there so had a few drinks and ate quavers :)
Saturday I helped tidy up around the house and did some uni work. In the evening I went to the Load, was meant to go to the Treaty after a while but lost track of the time so ended up staying there. Drank a far bit, stayed with Lawson, Darren, Matt and Dain. After the pub closed we made our way to the bicentennial gardens with a few bottles of wine and had a camp fire. Dragged my arse home about half 4 and passed out.
Have only got out of bed today to eat some bread, top up my glasses of water and get the Back to the Future box set. Watched all 3 one after the other. Apart from feeling like I was going to chunder every time I moved it has been a good day.

I find this so funny.

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