Wednesday 20 April 2011


Monday nothing very interesting happened I don't think.
Tuesday I went to Ian's for a little bit to watch the new episode of Fringe and just spend some time with him. Miss him so much at the moment, he is writing his dissertation so understandably I can't see him as much as I would like and his reception at home is terrible so we can't even talk over the phone :( But it was lovely to see him for a while and he brought me a calipo :)
In the evening I met up with a few people down the Met. We entered the pub quiz as a bit of laugh and got rather drunk playing drinking games. When you enter the quiz you get a raffle ticket as well. Our team ended up winning the quiz and getting a £15 bar tab and food combo which we intend on using Sunday. After the winners were called they did the raffle, which I won!!! You then had to choose 1 out of 3 boxes and in 1 was £45, I was so winning that night and guessed correctly!! I brought everyone a drink and had an awesome night.

Today I woke up feeling a little rough but manned my way through and went to work at the Load. I intended on doing uni work when I got home but that failed so just watched telly. That got pretty boring by the evening so after dinner I made my way to the Met again just so I could get out the house. Everyone decided to go somewhere different so I left and came home and now I plan to sleep :)

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