Monday 2 May 2011

A long weekend

Thursday I woke very early due to a bad a dream and then did something I probably shouldn't. It set off a chain of events and ended up Ian and I meeting up at about 7am and having a big talk.
Hate how shit things have been going between us. I really hope things get better, it's going to take some time for me to fully be ok in this relationship again but things have been going ok so far.
After our chat we wet back to his and he cooked me a fry-up.
In the evening Lawson and Alun came to his and they had a mini band- practise/ Halo playing. I played Tiny Wings and watched my big fat royal gypsy wedding :)
Friday we watched The Wedding and I did some cleaning. In the evening we went to the cinema to watch Thor. It was so good!
After many discussions about the film we returned to mine and went to bed. In the morning we made our way to Tescos to pick up supplies for the days plans. I had a barbecue as the weather was really nice. It was such a good day! We played swing ball, stuffed ourselves with burgers and nibbles, I got rather drunk and sat around a fire.

After people left mine I met up with a few people and went for a little drive, we ended up at Little Britain but soon left after realising the place was filled with doggers. I got dropped home and Ian soon arrived back at mine (He had left earlier as he went to a gig).
After a long lie-in, Ian left and I did some uni work. In the evening I met up with Ian and his family and went to the Red Lion for dinner because it was his parents wedding anniversary. The discussions at the table were hilarious! Varying from his fathers stag do, to midget porn! Some may say not the the most appropriate thing to be talking about but I love how comfortable they all are around me now and it really makes me feel like one of the family :)
Today we watched the new episode of Fringe before I left to meet Jess at mine. We had a chat over many cups of tea and watched an episode of Embarrassing bodies.
I have just finished getting all my stuff together ready for tomorrow. I'm going back to uni, I have to show my tutors everything I have done so far. I think I have done enough and am on task. Can't say I'm very excited about going back, dreading the early mornings again and sitting on my own like a looser :/

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