Thursday 19 May 2011

Great first impression

Tuesday was terrible...yet good. I went into town and brought some pork bones to use in my art. Ian then came back from Reading and we talked, I didn't cry. Things are ok now but I still feel like a bit of an idiot and I'm just worried about how long things will last being ok.
When he left I got loads of work done. Boiled all the bones and left them to soak in bleach over night and did some book work.
Wednesday I was up bright and early and went to the doctors. I have been having really frequent anxiety attacks over the stupidest of things, fainting and my heart beats really irregular and hurts. She has booked me in for some blood tests and an ECG.
I'm getting really panicky about the blood tests, not because I'm scared of needles but because I have had so many blood tests and needles in me because of when I went blind, the whole thought of having more done brings back memories of the whole ordeal and it's kinda traumatising for me. But my mom is coming with me for when I have them done which will hopefully help me out a bit.
When I got back I did some work and watched telly. About 4.30ish I went to the Met to meet up with Jess, my housemate come September. I was pretty nervous, meeting a stranger and was dreading any awkward silences. But there wasn't any. We got on so well, shockingly well! We spoke about everything and everything. We also went to the Yarn and the Treaty, many drinks were consumed and we ended up getting very drunk.
We have agreed that we are going to look for 2 other guys to live with next year and start looking soon. We have also said that we will meet up a lot more and try and got to the SU so she can see what it's like before we start in September. I'm so happy that it all went well and I'm now really excited about moving things forward.
Seems weird when I think I didn't even know her yesterday and now we are going to be moving in together, a good weird though :)
Once I recovered from my hangover and ate a burger for breakfast I got on with uni work and continued to do so all day. I have made a few of my final pieces now which I am pretty pleased with.
Was going to have an early night but I want to watch Dr Who and I can't be bothered to go into uni tomorrow, even though I really should :/

1 comment:

  1. Congrats sexy! I'm so pleased you've found someone to live with next term! As long as i'm still the bestest Jess i don't mind. Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
