Wednesday 11 May 2011

Bone dry

Yesterday day time was spent drying out some cow bones so they are all ready to slice up on the band saw tomorrow at uni.
In the evening Jess and Faye came to mine and I made some pasta carbonara. I didn't really cook enough so they were quite small portions but I provided some caramel shortbread for afters. Hannah joined us once she had finished work. After a glass of wine we headed to the Met. Jess and Han did the pub quiz, didn't win but it was rather funny. Luke later joined and Jess and Han soon left. The rest of us stayed and carried on drinking and having emotional conversations.

Today I woke up pretty late, had some peanut butter on toast and then watched the Jeremy Kyle show most of the day. I did a little bit of work but not much. When my mom got back from work she supervised me making dinner. I had shredded gammon which was left overs, it's my favourite dinner ever!
I'm now watching a programme called 7 stupidest things to escape from and it is pretty stupid but very funny.
Also I took a photo of my cat today.

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