Friday 27 May 2011

Almost done

Wednesday was pretty nice. Jess came over to help me with some photos of my jewellery, as usual I got her topless. It's worrying how she doesn't even hesitate when I ask her to get nude for me :P

After doing the photos we watched some Jeremy Kyle and had some lunch. Her and Luke were going to the cinema to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean film which I really wanted to see. I texted Han to see if she was off work and luckily she was so in the evening we all met up and went to see the film. It was really good :)
When I got home my dad helped me book the train tickets to get myself and a few friends to Download. It was a bit of a kerfuffle but we eventually got some pretty cheap ones.
Thursday I was meant to go into uni but I overslept and then it chucked it down with rain so I couldn't be bothered. I had to meet (housemate) Jess there in the evening though as we were meeting up to discus housing. Because of the rain we decided to go back to hers and look on the laptop and phone around the estate agents. It was a pretty successful evening and we arranged a viewing for today but unfortunately it had to be cancelled last minuet by the agent :/
We ordered a curry and watched Jimmy Carr before she dropped me home.
I went into uni today, only briefly. I was assigned my space for the exhibition and spoke with my tutor about how I would present my pieces. After grabbing a sausage roll and caramel doughnut I headed home where I have spent the evening watching Inside the human body (fascinating stuff) and doing loads of book work.

Parents are going away tomorrow and then Grandad is going away Sunday so I am very much looking forward to having the house to myself and inviting Ian over for some much needed time together.
He's out celebrating the end of his degree tonight. I'm a bit anxious if I'm honest. Think it's just because I'm stuck in alone with my thoughts while he is out with loads of people and I'm just thinking the worst :/

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