Monday 9 May 2011

Tiny Wings highscore

Thursday, as I said, I didn't go into uni, BUT I did do a lot of work at home. (seen bellow) I also brought a huge cow bone from a butchers which I intend to make some jewellery out of :)

After doing further work during the day on Friday I met up with Ian and went to his. He was feeling pretty shitty as he had a migraine and his second exam, combined these 2 things are never good. So we drank tea and I tried to cheer him up. We ended up going back to mine to sleep.
The original plan was to go to Camden but due to lack of money and poor weather we stayed in good ol' Uxbridge and will go next weekend instead. We went to Sainsburys and brought crispy fajitas, cream soda and Ben & Jerry's ice-cream to pig out on when back at Ian's. He watched some programmes for his revision and I fell asleep on his lap for a few hours.
Dinner was ready just in time for Dr Who. We then watched Sleeping Beauty and ate our ice-cream :)
Sunday morning Ian woke me up with a lovely fry-up. We spent the day watching Castle, the season finale of Fringe and a japanese horror film about a killer newspaper. I knocked Ian off the top 10 on the Tiny Wings leader board, this was a very happy moment for me :)
Today I have to wait for my mom to get home so she can give me hand with some uni stuff but until then I'm going to veg out on the sofa watching movies.

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