Monday 16 May 2011

One year

My blog is one whole year old!!

Friday evening was spent drinking a whole bottle of wine and half a bottle of baileys, eating quavers and cherry drops and watching Harry Potter 1. At about 1am Ian came over. It wasn't a great evening.
Saturday I did my student finance with my mom and Ian. Ian left when we were done so I searched online for accommodation after a spot of lunch. I found a girl called Jess that lives pretty local to me that is going to Bucks next year and looking for housemates and a room, so we have organized a meeting at the Met on Wednesday to get to know one another. I'm pretty excited but also very nervous.
Ian returned again in the evening and we had steak for dinner while watching Dr Who. We also watched a japanese film with my parents called Time traveller and ate popcorn.
When we finally woke up we headed to Ian's. We passed the time by watching telly and playing with Mr Mojo.

In the evening we had a bbq for Laurens birthday. Tom went all out and did loads of amazing food.

I went home in the evening. Had a shit walk home with Ian and then ended up sitting outside my house for half an hour crying but things are sorted now I hope. Just wish I could skip 2 weeks into the future where we wouldn't have any work or troubles of not seeing each other :/

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