Friday 13 May 2011

Good day

Thursday I went into uni. I got to cut up my bone. Unfortunately it didn't really go to plan and what I thought would be inside it, wasn't. But I have altered my ideas slightly and I think I can still pull it off. After doing some work and playing with Play-doh my friends and I went to noodle nation for lunch :)

I picked up a list of local landlords in the area so I can start looking for accommodation next year and then got the bus home. When back in Uxbridge I went to the butchers and got some turkey bones, I'm hoping these will work better for my project. I walked home stopping off at the Load to see Dain and pick up some money.
Jess and Han came to mine soon after I got in. We watched Step brothers and then finally after deciding on another film we watched xXx. We drank lots of tea and nibbled on pringles and popcorn.
Had a really nice chat with them about a lot of shit that has been happening to me, realizing why I am getting so stressed out and having anxiety attacks, and just how awesome they both are.

Today hasn't been as good as yesterday, feeling so low and just want to burst into tears every time I think about what has happened.
I made my way to Ian's after lunch and cleaned for Sue. Ian came back but we both left soon after I finished cleaning because he had a gig to go to.
I have just had some dinner, no plans for the evening and I'm now left alone with my thoughts. It's killing me.

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