Wednesday 4 May 2011

Returning to old habits

Going back to uni was pretty fun actually. Not the early morning but seeing everyone again. Was a bit confused at how someone can give me such a big hug and tell me they missed me so much, yet not try and have any contact with me over easter at all, but it was still nice to think I was missed. After I caught up with everyone the novelty of being back wore off and I got very bored. We had like a mini exhibition where everyone put up their work and looked around each others stuff. Some stuff was amazing and I was a bit worried about my work in comparison but other people hadn't even started the project which was a bit reassuring.
After a chat with my tutor, which was pretty useful, I headed home. The buses were packed and I was so tired and groggy I just wanted to get home and drink tea. Which is what I did.
After dinner I met up with some Sara, Dain and a few others for Pete's birthday. We went to the Met for a few drinks/ bottle of wine. Then made our way to the Load where we just missed the end of an Anne Summers party. We stayed at the Load til closing time and got incredibly drunk. We then found a wheely chair and pushed Pete all the way to his house. There was a wee accident on the way resulting in Richie's two front teeth being chipped pretty severely :/ I rode around on a bike that I had acquired from somewhere and nearly killed myself by cycling so fast to get away from Dain who was chasing me.
When we finally got to Pete's I drank some whisky, talked about Dr Who with James and then decided I wanted my bed. Ian rang me on my walk home to make sure I got back ok, which I did :)
Today I woke up with a rather sore head and a nauseous feeling but I braved through it and went to work at the Load. Pete and Richie came down and we tried to piece together the night but pretty much failed.
When I got home I made a pie for dinner, ate the pie and then sat on Tumblr all evening... exciting!

I have decided I'm not going into uni tomorrow, I work a lot more at home and I find it more relaxing. I feel a bit mean though as it's my friends birthday and I do kind of want to see her but it's just too far to travel and I know I wouldn't work when I got there.

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