Thursday 1 December 2011


Yesterday I lazed in bed watching a collection of Rom-Com's. 50 First Dates, Splash and Just Married. In the evening I went to the SU to watch the wonder that is The Blanks, aka Ted's band from Scrubs. Halfway through their second song we all got evacuated from the building and had to wait outside for ages in the rain. When we were eventually allowed back in they finished their set and were amazing.

Today was spent at uni trying to make a bead for my project, however I had to choose the most difficult shape ever to do and I failed miserably. So I gave up and went home. Got to start my advent calender today. My mom made me an extra special one.

In the little pockets on the snowman there is a clue on a bit of paper and a chocolate, the clue and the number then match up to a present inside the bag :) They are all useful things for the house, like shampoo or tea bags :P
I have just had cheesy chips for dinner and now searching iplayer for something decent to watch.

I haven't been eating properly recently, I have just lost my appetite. I feel miserable. I want to go home and see my mom and friends, not live in a shit house and have money. I'm so fucking broke and no one has replied to any job applications I have sent out, I can't be that bad can I?! Don't answer that :/

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