Thursday 15 December 2011

Last night

The initial plan for yesterday was to go to uni and get loads of work done, however this failed. On arrival in town I bumped into Norm, we decided to take a wonder around town and buy some donuts at one of the christmas stools. They were gloriously warm and sugary. We had a wonder around Waterstones looking at comics and then Shaun joined us. We all went to the Goblin for a few drinks and games of pool. We were joined by Cakey, Kris and Dave a little later. We arranged to re-meet a bit later and head to the SU for a big night out.
I scoffed my face with dominos pizza and red wine and then took my drunken self to the SU. Yet more alcohol was consumed and many awesome tunes danced to.
Today I recovered and watched many movies.
I am now going home tomorrow as I wanted to see people and many people are returning from uni as well so we have planned a nice night out tomorrow to catch up :)

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