Tuesday 13 December 2011

Can't wait for the holidays

The weekend was spent at home, in the comfort and heat of Ian's house. We spent most of the time there as they actually have the heating on, unlike my parents. We pigged out on so much junk food. Drove to KFC, had a chinese takeaway and loads of nachos. We hardly moved from bed and watched endless amounts of movies, it was glorious.
I returned to Wycombe Monday morning, getting the early bus and just making it to uni on time.
After uni I went to the pub with most of the people on my course and had a few drinks. Shaun came down a little later and after a drink with him we left and made our way home, getting soaked in the rain.
Today I went into uni for a CAD session then went to the workshop to try and catch up on some work but I got kicked out because I was wearing a dress so went home and did book work.
I am now freezing my arse off in my room and getting annoyed because the film I want to watch isn't loading. I think I might go to bed.

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