Wednesday 21 December 2011

Home for the holidays

I am now back in the comfort of home. It's so nice to be back and see Ian pretty much everyday.
Came back late Friday night, mom dropped me off outside the Met where I caught up with a few people I hadn't seen in ages.
I went shopping with my mom the other day, I finally finished all of my xmas shopping so that is all wrapped up and under the tree now. We had a nice lunch out and a look round the shops.
Jess and Han came over for an evening, we watched Hot Chick, ate duck rolls and had a wonderful catch up. I have missed those girls.
Spent the majority of time with Ian, watching films and drinking tea.
Just got back from the Malt Shovel where I had a few drinks with the Law and Keri before they headed off to a band practice.
My parents have informed me that I can have a new years party at the house, so excited! :)

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