Thursday 8 December 2011

Getting with the times

Finally I have got a phone that is not from the stone age! I have a Samsung Galaxy Ace. It's a touch screen and I can even go on the internet! To most this is the norm of a phone but to me this is so amazing!
Wednesday my wonderful mother came to the house to drop off said phone and bring the vacuum cleaner so I could clean the state that is my house. I was getting so depressed at being disgusted at the place I live but now I feel so much happier. She did all the washing up and cleaned the kitchen and I cleaned the rest of the downstairs. I really wish it could stay like this but I know it wont :/
Today I have been in bed all day. I got up once for a cigarette and to make a cup of tea, that's it! I'm so fricking lazy.
Going to try and pry myself out of bed to go to the SU tonight but I really can't be bothered. There is loads of good stuff on telly tonight and it will be cold out side :/

I am really looking forward to this weekend, Ian and I are going to celebrate our 2 years. It's strange, I feel kinda weird about it because things have been far from perfect but I still have hope.

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