Sunday 4 December 2011

Xmas decs

Went home again for the weekend, stayed here Friday night though. Went out to the SU for a geek party, spent the majority of the night playing space invaders .

Saturday morning I headed back on the bus with a massive hangover. I was greeted by a lovely cup of tea when I got in and Ian popped over for a little bit before he departed to watch a rugby game.
My mom and I then got all the christmas decorations out from the loft and started to christmasfy the house. I say house... it was only the living room. We listened to christmas songs, wore our santa hats and drank Baileys, like we do every year :)
After some dinner I made my way to Uxbridge to meet Faye and Luke at the Met. I bumped into Ian on the way so he joined us. We only stayed for one drink then returned to Ian's, grabbing some doritos and dip on the way. We spent the evening eating nachos and watching Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
Today we watched family guy and ate a roast.
I am now back in Wycombe, in my freezing, damp room. Can't wait to be back for christmas break.

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