Monday 5 December 2011


Uni today was pretty good, I made the majority of my bead. It's not the idea that I originally wanted to go with as I didn't know how to make it and the design was pretty complex but I had a chat with my tutor and she has told me how to do it now. I will do that idea in my free time, when I get some. So instead I simplified it so I could at least have something to show, however it's still not finished, have learnt quite a bit though.

In the process of making this though I hammered my finger instead of the metal :(
I had planned to do lots of work when I got back to the house but it is so cold here my hands were freezing so I literally couldn't hold a pen. So instead I made a hot water bottle and snuggled into bed watching I love you, Man.
I'm so productive...

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