Sunday 2 October 2011

Loads of work

Oktoberfest on Monday was amazing. Was absolutely steaming, as Shaun would say. Drank loads of booze, sang along to the band and saw some interesting drinking games.

Tuesday I had a trip to the V&A museum in London. I have been there loads of times but thought I would go again to get some pictures for research. However if I had realised it would cost me £19.50 for the train I wouldn't of gone! Stupid no oyster from Wycombe :/ In the evening I went out with the housemates to the Goblin, had a few drinks and won at a game of pool.
Didn't really do much Wednesday day time but I went to the SU in the evening in hope of seeing a couple of the Dirty Sanchez guys but the music was shit and they weren't on until 12 so we just headed to the Weatherspoons.
Uni was attended Thursday. Shaun and I then headed to Uxbridge to get the train and meet up with Ian and Lawson so we could go to Camden and watch Woe, is me and A skylit drive, who were both pretty good.
Had my first seminar Friday. We have to do a presentation next week which I am not looking forward to, hate talking in front of people :/
I have been given so much work to do this week, been trying to catch up this evening as I have had the weekend off as Ian came to stay.
It has been wonderful. We went out Friday evening after stuffing ourselves with fajitas. It was slightly awkward but not as bad as I thought. We caught up on all our tv programmes, ate a whole box of Fabs and went Geocaching. Can't wait for him to come here again.

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