Monday 17 October 2011

Going home

Well it's been a while.
I went home this weekend. It was so nice to see everyone again! Saw Faye, Luke, Jess, Han, Jason and Becky. All went out for many a drink and a catch up at the Met and Yarn, I have missed those places.

Spent the rest of the weekend with Ian, parents and my cat, who I obviously missed most :P
Once returning to Wycombe home Sunday night I was forced out to the SU by the housemates and Shaun's very drunk Welsh friends. You can never turn down a drunk Welsh man... that's how Ian caught me :P
Had a few drinks there and then walked the guys back, trying to convince Jack to pull up his trousers.

I was the only one that had to be in uni early so I went to bed when we got home and wore ear plugs to block out their noise of wrestling on a lilo in the living room. Unfortunately this also blocked out the noise of my alarm this morning so I was rather late.
I have really hurt my hip and I have no idea how. I'm taking the day off tomorrow so I can rest, that and I haven't done the work I was meant to :/

The only other thing of interest was Wednesday. Went out with Jess and ended up getting wasted. Returned home to Adam giving me a judging look, I couldn't stand while talking to him so layed on the floor and then rolled over into my room because I couldn't walk. What a state.

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