Monday 3 October 2011


Today has been the longest day of my life and it's not even over yet.
Adam is visiting his gf, Jess is working and Shaun is playing Fifa so I have no one to talk to.
Started uni pretty early and finished at 6.45, with one break :/
Had half an hour break in which I got a Boots meal deal and handed out about 5 cvs around town. One in a bowling alley, really hope I get it as that would be awesome. I really don't want to work as I have already have so much uni work and there is plenty more to come but I am so low on money that I can't really live without one :/
Had to venture to Tescos and get some dinner. When I returned home and the house was a tip. We haven't got a vacuum cleaner so the floor is horrible and there is massive pile of washing up to do, may do it just so I can procrastinate from doing uni work.
Feet are killing me, have been standing up literally all day.
Missing home quite a bit, miss my mom and friends and just being able to get back home and not cook or clean. Just sat outside having a fag and the garden is all weedy and a train went past and it was so loud. It's never bothered me before but I guess I'm just feeling a bit shite today.
Just want to sleep.

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