Monday 24 October 2011

Ginger Pubes

So the past few days have been spent in Uxbridge and what a wonderful few days they have been :)
Got quite a bit of work done and spent some lovely time with Ian. Ate fajitas, caught up on our tv shows and watched Avatar.
Saturday evening I met up with Han, Jess, Brian and Emma. We all went to see Ed Sheeran at the HMV forum. He was really good, only problem was he did drag it on a bit. Pixie Lott and Example also turned up which was pretty darn cool.

Returned home Sunday evening, ate a bowl of popcorn and then headed out to the pub with Jess and Shaun. Went to the Goblin for a few and then Falcon for the most amazing pitcher called a Golddigger.
Had uni today and got loads done, learnt how to slip cast which is a much faster process :)
Been procrastinating the rest of the evening. Did a bit of work but then got so bored I curled my hair and am now watching the Thomas Crown Affair.

Also got my Brannigan's Law t-shirt :)

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