Sunday 9 October 2011


This weekend has been insanely lovely!
A few weeks ago things were so bad and I thought it would never get better but I couldn't of been more wrong. Ian has been the most perfect boyfriend this weekend and has made me feel so special, I hope this is it :)

Had a presentation to give Friday with a few other people and I feel it's safe to say ours was by far the best. I was so nervous standing in front of loads of new people and talking but it went really well and our tutor was very pleased :)
After uni I went to meet Ian at the train station. Jess had a couple of people staying and Shaun's friend Jake was here too. We all went to the Goblin in the evening and met up with a few others. After a round of mini guinness's, apple sourz and a few strongbows we moved onto the Antelope where Jake and Jess convinced a girl he only spoke a rare dialect of French and she was his translator. We then headed to the Nags Head, it was an open mic night so Jess got up and sang a few times and Alex, the kid from My Parents Are Aliens, was there too.
When that closed everyone headed back to ours but Ian and I passed out :P

Saturday was pretty lazy. Ian and I had planned to go out for a lovely romantic dinner but due to everywhere being busy we decided ordering a tonne of Pizza Hut instead.
Today we just watched films in bed and spent some really nice time together. Was pretty sad to say goodbye but I'm going home next weekend so not long until we see each other again. Will be great to see Jess and Han again as I have missed them so much.
Should really of done some uni work this evening but insead I just ate popcorn and watched Family Guy :P

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