Monday 26 September 2011

The last time

Feeling alot better than I did last week. Still a bit sceptical I guess but I really hope this is going to be it now.
Ian called me Wednesday evening. I was infuriated with him but as soon as I heard his voice I just couldn't help but love him.
Thursday was the Freshers fair and I picked up loads of vouchers and had many free slices of pizza. In the evening it was off to the Freshers festival to see Get cape, wear cape, fly and Charlie Simpson.

Friday I hopped on the bus and made my way back to Uxbridge. I talked to my mom for a bit and ate lots of mint ice-cream.
In the evening I went to Ian's, we had agreed to meet up and talk. I knew what was going to happen but I wasn't sure whether it was what I wanted. I always forgive him but I just felt this time he really got it and knew how far he had pushed me and genuinely meant it when he said he wouldn't do it again. I hope he doesn't let me down again.

Saturday was spent at a wedding. I was helping my dad do the photography for it. Made myself a bit of money which is always useful. Went back to Ian's for the night, caught up on our stories and went to bed.
Jess came round on Sunday. I literally can't remember the last time I saw her. Unfortunately Han was busy which sucked but hopefully they will come up here soon to check out my pad :)
Was really lovely seeing her again and catching up over many cups of tea.
After a very yummy roast dinner my parents drove me back to Wycombe where I spent the night watching Disney films with Jess.
I woke up today feeling really rough. I don't have to go in for uni but I was going to go in anyways to do some work but instead I shall just do a bit here. Need to be better for this evening as it's Oktoberfest at the SU :)

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