Tuesday 6 September 2011

Moving in and a Troll's birthday

Thursday was the first day I spent at the new house in Wycombe. I got to meet Shaun, who is pretty darn awesome and the majority of the time we spend insulting each other, it's going to be a good year. After a standard student pasta dinner and a bottle of wine we headed out in town to explore the pubs and bars that Wycombe has to offer. We first went to the Antelope which was pretty good and then onto Butlers where we hit the cocktails. We were all pretty drunk by the time we walked home. And by walk I mean running down the road screaming and singing and chasing Shaun.

The next day we were all pretty hungover so spent the day curled up on the sofa in our duvets, only to move to get tea and change the DVD.
Saturday we all went back to mine, had some dinner, forced Shaun to watch Tarzan and then went to meet Ian and a few of his uni friends. We went to the Met and Treaty and got rather drunk. Was awesome to finally meet Hector and Tash.

The majority of Sunday was spent recovering. Jess and Shaun went back to the house but I am staying at home until Friday due to Ian's birthday.
Ian came to mine last night. I made dinner, we watched Sucker Punch and waited until 12 when it was his birthday! I gave him his presents which I hope he liked :) I shall post pictures soon.
We woke up this morning and had a fry up, we are now watching Rush Hour.
My parents have gone to Bruges so we have a free house which is nice. We are going to his in a bit for a BBQ which I am so excited for :)

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