Monday 19 September 2011

Freshers begins

So that is my room and the kitchen, I would of taken a photo of the living room but it is an absolute tip :P
Went to the first freshers night at the SU last night which was pretty fun. Didn't drink a huge amount as I had an early start today but still got nicely sloshed. Met some new people, some of whom I bumped into today. Am going to the SU again tonight :)
Today was my first day and it went really well. Met up with Bekah and Verena in the morning, they were on my course last year, and went to our studio. Had a few lectures that I had all heard before from when I started on the foundation course. Had a few tours around the work studios and got to meet all the tutors. We then got to leave pretty early.
My housemates are still out so I have done loads of washing up and now just watching films and am freezing cold!

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