Friday 16 September 2011

Internet in the new house

The huge lack of blogging has been down to the absence of internet in my uni house, however we now have it :D
I am now fully moved into the house and my bed is the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in, that is after I swapped the mattress with one of the other housemates, but they don't know :P
Not really sure what to say as so much has happened. Just been going out most nights with Jess and Shaun and watching many Disney films. Love having the independence so much and being able to do whatever and sleeping in til 2pm :P
Went back home yesterday, stayed at Ian's, ate so much pizza and watched a few films. Today I went into town with my mom to get all of my stuff for my course. I then did loads of work at home as I needed the printer and internet. So just have a bit more to do of my summer project and then it's all done :)
Back at the house now, might be going out tonight but I'm not sure yet. Going to get some dinner.
I shall take some photos of the abode soon, not that it's very interesting or pretty.

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