Sunday 30 May 2010

Anything but revision

Yesturday I attempted doing some revision, all was going well for about an hour until my parents decided to invite me out for a pub lunch and a walk around Langley park, an offer I couldn't refuse.
We went to The Black Horse in Fulmer for lunch, I had pea risotto with haloumi cheese, it was gorgeous. We then had a wonder around the park. It was really sunny and all of the flowers were in bloom.

I love the last one, it's so pretty and summery :)
We then returned home where I was set on doing some more revision until Dain texted me asking if I would like to go to a BBQ, obviously I couldn't refuse that offer either. Dain then came and got me and we proceeded onto Abby's house. Her house is amazing, I wish I could have moved in, I mean her toilet had French to English dictionary wallpaper on it!
Furnishings aside, I got very drunk, was sat in a little outhouse with some people and managed to drink a whole bottle of Malibu and half a bottle of wine. There was also a bouncy castle slide which we all had a rather good time on, however I did wake up today with a few bumps and bruises. I'm not quite sure how I managed to get home, but I did. It was such a brilliant night but I feel I should really give my liver a rest for a few days and get on with some revision.

Saturday 29 May 2010

Lots of Photos

Well yesterday was our leavers May Ball, it was great fun and a good time was had by all. I didn't get as drunk as I thought I would, which is good because I tend to make a fool of myself whilst intoxicated. Here are some photos from the wonderful night :)

So today was just spent with Ian, we woke at about 12ish and slowly made our way into Uxbridge where we just wondered about for a bit and had a McDonald's burger. We then came home and watched Beverly Hills cop and ate steak :)
I had also brought home some helium balloons from May Ball which gave us much enjoyment.
My Facebook has been bombarded by notifications tonight as literally everyone has uploaded photos and tagged me in them. The photos that Lauren took from the retirement party at the Waters Edge were also uploaded, here are a few :)

Thursday 27 May 2010

Feeling Starry eyed

Yesterday was fantastic, made me very happy :)
We had our leavers assembly at school, it was all very emotional, can't believe we are actually leaving. I still remember my first day at school, weird to see how everyone has grown up and changed. After school I went to Ian's and viewed the Castle season finale, it was predictable but not how I wanted it to end, almost brought a tear to my eye. We then headed to the cinema and watched Nightmare on Elm street. It was a lot more rapey than the original but Jackie Earle Haley played Freddie brilliantly. I don't really watch horror films, so when we got back to Ian's he decided we would watch Eden lake. It was so screwed up, made me cringe the whole way through. It had that guy from Skins in it. He is some psycho guy, makes me really scared when your walking about and you see a bunch of yobs, especially in Uxbridge, they're everywhere. On a lighter note we ordered pizza which took my attention away from the disturbing film.

Today I went into school and then decided to come home.
I hadn't done my English work and it was our last lesson so I didn't want to write an essay. All of my Art lessons have been cancelled as we have finished our project and Geography was last period and all we was going to do was eat cake and talk as it was our last lesson. So I felt it was rather pointless and came home and ate cereal.

I can't stop listening to Ellie Goulding. I started listening to her about a year and a half ago when she only had one song on Youtube. I've developed a 'slight' love for her. This blog is even named after some of her lyrics. Went and saw her live in March, she was supporting Passion Pit. My friends and I were literally the only ones singing along and dancing to her set :)
I saw this photo today and it reminded me of her song 'Starry eyed', it's so beautiful!!

Click on photo for source

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Time for a change

Click on photos for source.

I really want to decorate my room. Its so dark and it's covered in posters, doesn't really feel like my bedroom. I would really like to have it all white, or a very pale cream. I'm trying to convince my dad to get me this wardrobe and matching draws. It's quite a lot but they will last a long a time and it's not like I'm going to grow out of them. I've never had new furniture before and my bedroom does need a revamp.

Monday 24 May 2010

And the exams begin

Today started with sitting in a boiling hot hall doing a very pointless exam for an hour and a half. I wasn't feeling great today, I think the lack of sleep from last night was a large contributor to this. I hardly slept because it was so hot and I was awoken by a car alarm at 5am. So after my exam I decided to come home and do very little. I lazed about in the sun for a good 3 hours but gained no colour to my pale complexion but did gain a considerable amount of freckles.

I then got on with some work, not as much work as I should have really done, but I completed an essay which made me rather happy with myself :)
There was also lots of pretty light shining through the windows so I took this of an old bottle I found in my attic.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Wine, lots of wine

Today has possibly been the lamest day ever! I have a citizenship exam tomorrow and I just have no motivation to revise, not that I have any revision for that anyway.
The day started off wonderfully, woke up next to Ian, I was a little hungover and tired but felt better after some toast and Dr Who :) The day started to deteriorate after I left Ians, was meant to meet up with Hannah for a nice catch up but the hot sun has turned her into a lobster which prevented her from leaving her house. I then just lazed in my garden with a glass of wine and tried looking over my geography books but my cat was being so cute and distracting me.

I then caught up with some Big Bang Theory on 4od. I got so bored with doing nothing I gave Mark a ring and asked if he wanted to come and doss at mine, all seemed well until he texted me saying he got caught up at work and couldn't make it :(

Yesturday however was more enjoyable. Had my first bbq of 2010. Went to Ians for it, we had bugers and kebabs and lots of yummy things. Then the Harries family, Lauren and I all went to a retirment party at the Waters Edge. I didn't know anyone so I did the silly thing of sitting at the end of the table and just drinking wine. I opened up a bit nearer the end of the night and spoke to some people but I was so drunk, haven't been that drunk in a while, it wasn't nice.
Well exam tomorrow so I'm going to try and have an early night :)

Friday 21 May 2010

Lovely company

Today was lovely :)
It was so sunny, which makes a change for England. Went school a bit late and then realised, in my rush to get out of the house, I had forgotten the main bulk of my art poject that had to be handed in today. Luckily I had enought time to go home and have a lovely salad, which I ate out in the garden. I then grabbed my art bits and headed towards Ians, making a quick pit stop to drop off my work and pick up Tom and ice-cream because i'm lovely :)
We then proceeded to watch multiple episodes of Castle and Ian introduced me to the wonder that is Dr Horrible's sing along blog. It was genius!
Ian then made us pasta which was yummy. We then just spent the rest of the evening talking and just catching up, this was lovely. I really missed him so it is now nice to know he is close by :)
Tomorrow I try and find a dress from Topshop I have been lusting after for a while now and have finally saved up enough to get it, fingers crossed it's there.

Thursday 20 May 2010

A blooming long day

I woke up at the horrible hour of 6am today, it wasn't nice. Until 8.30, when I had to leave for school, I spent the morning doing yet more art work, feel like it's taking over my life at the moment, but as of tomorrow, I don't have to do it again, until September, when I start my foundation art course at Bucks :)
I then proceeded onto school until about 1.30 where I made my way to the Load of Hay pub, there I met Dain, Kendall and Abby and I ate curly fries. At 2 I started my shift, which didn't go great, I kept fucking up, haven't been working there long but it didn't go great today, but I just laughed it off so it was ok. But then my parents came down, which was a huge embarrassment but wasn't too painful :P
Faye also came down to the load, don't see her often as she lives quite far away but was nice to catch up. After my shift, at 6, Faye and I headed back to mine where we ate chicken and strawberries (not together) and watched Little Nicky. That was pretty much my day.
Yesturday, literaly nothing happened. I brought an ice-cream and sat on the field with some friends at lunch at school, that was the highlight of my day.

Tomorrow I am VERY excited about. Ians coming back from Reading for a while, been a while since I've seen him and I've missed him like crazy! That and he is bringing new episodes of Castle with him :)
Really can't wait!

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Summery things

The sunset was pretty :)

Today I went to school, just about, my body really didn't want to get up this morning. I had double art first which was good, I also handed in all my art coursework. Then went shopping with my mom, this was good, got lots of new things. Many of things for the summer. I really can't wait for summer, it's so much prettier and everyone seems happier, that and I have a lot of time off to do nothing and just hang with friends :)

Monday 17 May 2010

A massive rush

Well today has kinda sucked, it has been a lovely day and I have been stuck inside doing art coursework. My teacher, whom I usually get one really well with, was in a shit awful mood and decided that the deadline for all my work was today, instead of Friday as she has previously stated. So I sneaked my art book out for the night to catch up on all my work. Along with with this I have an english essay to do, this load of work is not good when I have a serious lack of motivation.

Aside from that, last night was awesome, I introduced Mark to the wonder that is The Fith Element, how he survived without viewing it for 19years I shall never know. And we ate cake, lots of cake, too much cake possibly. But it was lovely to catch up with Mark, as always. Arn't we attractive :)

Sunday 16 May 2010

Chocolate Cake

Okay not quite sure why I have decided to write a blog at this time in my life but we shall see how it goes. I spend the majority of my life infront of my laptop so I may aswell spend that time doing something other than sitting on Facebook.
Well don't really know what to say, I've been feeling a bit down recently, long distant relationships are rather hard, but my good friend Mark is on his way round now with chocolate cake to cheer me up, this should help alot :)
A levels are also a contribution to my less than happy state of mind, I just have no motivation, i have about a month until they start and I haven't even started revising! I should really get round to starting.
Anyways Mark has arrived so I must dash, lets see if I can keep this up