Friday 27 May 2011

Almost done

Wednesday was pretty nice. Jess came over to help me with some photos of my jewellery, as usual I got her topless. It's worrying how she doesn't even hesitate when I ask her to get nude for me :P

After doing the photos we watched some Jeremy Kyle and had some lunch. Her and Luke were going to the cinema to watch the new Pirates of the Caribbean film which I really wanted to see. I texted Han to see if she was off work and luckily she was so in the evening we all met up and went to see the film. It was really good :)
When I got home my dad helped me book the train tickets to get myself and a few friends to Download. It was a bit of a kerfuffle but we eventually got some pretty cheap ones.
Thursday I was meant to go into uni but I overslept and then it chucked it down with rain so I couldn't be bothered. I had to meet (housemate) Jess there in the evening though as we were meeting up to discus housing. Because of the rain we decided to go back to hers and look on the laptop and phone around the estate agents. It was a pretty successful evening and we arranged a viewing for today but unfortunately it had to be cancelled last minuet by the agent :/
We ordered a curry and watched Jimmy Carr before she dropped me home.
I went into uni today, only briefly. I was assigned my space for the exhibition and spoke with my tutor about how I would present my pieces. After grabbing a sausage roll and caramel doughnut I headed home where I have spent the evening watching Inside the human body (fascinating stuff) and doing loads of book work.

Parents are going away tomorrow and then Grandad is going away Sunday so I am very much looking forward to having the house to myself and inviting Ian over for some much needed time together.
He's out celebrating the end of his degree tonight. I'm a bit anxious if I'm honest. Think it's just because I'm stuck in alone with my thoughts while he is out with loads of people and I'm just thinking the worst :/

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Had the most pointless day at uni Monday. Went in, moved some boards from downstairs to upstairs and that was it. Had a nice catch up with some people though and ate KFC then went home.
Today I had my blood test and ECG. Got myself pretty worked up about the blood test but it was ok, got a bit of a bruise now. I had to get naked for my ECG, literally sat there in my knickers and that was it, pretty embarrassing.
The rest of the time I have been doing uni work. But I have now finished making all of my final pieces out of bone. Still have some book work and photos to do but then that's it! :)

Saturday 21 May 2011

Busy Bee

Well yesterday was rather pleasant. Did uni work during the day, made myself a nice pasta dinner and was then joined by Jess and Han in the evening. We watched Salad Fingers, looked at old photos and read through my diary from like 2004-2007! It was rather embarrassing.
I did some more uni work today. Watched Stardust and cried, The Little Mermaid and Dr Who over dinner.

Have got a very hectic 2 weeks starting Monday. Have to get all the exhibition set up for my final project at uni. Have to finish my work and then present it nicely and then have my assessment. My parents are going away on holiday and I have kicked my grandad out so I can have the house to myself and Ian will be staying too which will be lovely.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Great first impression

Tuesday was terrible...yet good. I went into town and brought some pork bones to use in my art. Ian then came back from Reading and we talked, I didn't cry. Things are ok now but I still feel like a bit of an idiot and I'm just worried about how long things will last being ok.
When he left I got loads of work done. Boiled all the bones and left them to soak in bleach over night and did some book work.
Wednesday I was up bright and early and went to the doctors. I have been having really frequent anxiety attacks over the stupidest of things, fainting and my heart beats really irregular and hurts. She has booked me in for some blood tests and an ECG.
I'm getting really panicky about the blood tests, not because I'm scared of needles but because I have had so many blood tests and needles in me because of when I went blind, the whole thought of having more done brings back memories of the whole ordeal and it's kinda traumatising for me. But my mom is coming with me for when I have them done which will hopefully help me out a bit.
When I got back I did some work and watched telly. About 4.30ish I went to the Met to meet up with Jess, my housemate come September. I was pretty nervous, meeting a stranger and was dreading any awkward silences. But there wasn't any. We got on so well, shockingly well! We spoke about everything and everything. We also went to the Yarn and the Treaty, many drinks were consumed and we ended up getting very drunk.
We have agreed that we are going to look for 2 other guys to live with next year and start looking soon. We have also said that we will meet up a lot more and try and got to the SU so she can see what it's like before we start in September. I'm so happy that it all went well and I'm now really excited about moving things forward.
Seems weird when I think I didn't even know her yesterday and now we are going to be moving in together, a good weird though :)
Once I recovered from my hangover and ate a burger for breakfast I got on with uni work and continued to do so all day. I have made a few of my final pieces now which I am pretty pleased with.
Was going to have an early night but I want to watch Dr Who and I can't be bothered to go into uni tomorrow, even though I really should :/

Monday 16 May 2011

One year

My blog is one whole year old!!

Friday evening was spent drinking a whole bottle of wine and half a bottle of baileys, eating quavers and cherry drops and watching Harry Potter 1. At about 1am Ian came over. It wasn't a great evening.
Saturday I did my student finance with my mom and Ian. Ian left when we were done so I searched online for accommodation after a spot of lunch. I found a girl called Jess that lives pretty local to me that is going to Bucks next year and looking for housemates and a room, so we have organized a meeting at the Met on Wednesday to get to know one another. I'm pretty excited but also very nervous.
Ian returned again in the evening and we had steak for dinner while watching Dr Who. We also watched a japanese film with my parents called Time traveller and ate popcorn.
When we finally woke up we headed to Ian's. We passed the time by watching telly and playing with Mr Mojo.

In the evening we had a bbq for Laurens birthday. Tom went all out and did loads of amazing food.

I went home in the evening. Had a shit walk home with Ian and then ended up sitting outside my house for half an hour crying but things are sorted now I hope. Just wish I could skip 2 weeks into the future where we wouldn't have any work or troubles of not seeing each other :/

Friday 13 May 2011

Good day

Thursday I went into uni. I got to cut up my bone. Unfortunately it didn't really go to plan and what I thought would be inside it, wasn't. But I have altered my ideas slightly and I think I can still pull it off. After doing some work and playing with Play-doh my friends and I went to noodle nation for lunch :)

I picked up a list of local landlords in the area so I can start looking for accommodation next year and then got the bus home. When back in Uxbridge I went to the butchers and got some turkey bones, I'm hoping these will work better for my project. I walked home stopping off at the Load to see Dain and pick up some money.
Jess and Han came to mine soon after I got in. We watched Step brothers and then finally after deciding on another film we watched xXx. We drank lots of tea and nibbled on pringles and popcorn.
Had a really nice chat with them about a lot of shit that has been happening to me, realizing why I am getting so stressed out and having anxiety attacks, and just how awesome they both are.

Today hasn't been as good as yesterday, feeling so low and just want to burst into tears every time I think about what has happened.
I made my way to Ian's after lunch and cleaned for Sue. Ian came back but we both left soon after I finished cleaning because he had a gig to go to.
I have just had some dinner, no plans for the evening and I'm now left alone with my thoughts. It's killing me.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Bone dry

Yesterday day time was spent drying out some cow bones so they are all ready to slice up on the band saw tomorrow at uni.
In the evening Jess and Faye came to mine and I made some pasta carbonara. I didn't really cook enough so they were quite small portions but I provided some caramel shortbread for afters. Hannah joined us once she had finished work. After a glass of wine we headed to the Met. Jess and Han did the pub quiz, didn't win but it was rather funny. Luke later joined and Jess and Han soon left. The rest of us stayed and carried on drinking and having emotional conversations.

Today I woke up pretty late, had some peanut butter on toast and then watched the Jeremy Kyle show most of the day. I did a little bit of work but not much. When my mom got back from work she supervised me making dinner. I had shredded gammon which was left overs, it's my favourite dinner ever!
I'm now watching a programme called 7 stupidest things to escape from and it is pretty stupid but very funny.
Also I took a photo of my cat today.

Monday 9 May 2011

Tiny Wings highscore

Thursday, as I said, I didn't go into uni, BUT I did do a lot of work at home. (seen bellow) I also brought a huge cow bone from a butchers which I intend to make some jewellery out of :)

After doing further work during the day on Friday I met up with Ian and went to his. He was feeling pretty shitty as he had a migraine and his second exam, combined these 2 things are never good. So we drank tea and I tried to cheer him up. We ended up going back to mine to sleep.
The original plan was to go to Camden but due to lack of money and poor weather we stayed in good ol' Uxbridge and will go next weekend instead. We went to Sainsburys and brought crispy fajitas, cream soda and Ben & Jerry's ice-cream to pig out on when back at Ian's. He watched some programmes for his revision and I fell asleep on his lap for a few hours.
Dinner was ready just in time for Dr Who. We then watched Sleeping Beauty and ate our ice-cream :)
Sunday morning Ian woke me up with a lovely fry-up. We spent the day watching Castle, the season finale of Fringe and a japanese horror film about a killer newspaper. I knocked Ian off the top 10 on the Tiny Wings leader board, this was a very happy moment for me :)
Today I have to wait for my mom to get home so she can give me hand with some uni stuff but until then I'm going to veg out on the sofa watching movies.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Returning to old habits

Going back to uni was pretty fun actually. Not the early morning but seeing everyone again. Was a bit confused at how someone can give me such a big hug and tell me they missed me so much, yet not try and have any contact with me over easter at all, but it was still nice to think I was missed. After I caught up with everyone the novelty of being back wore off and I got very bored. We had like a mini exhibition where everyone put up their work and looked around each others stuff. Some stuff was amazing and I was a bit worried about my work in comparison but other people hadn't even started the project which was a bit reassuring.
After a chat with my tutor, which was pretty useful, I headed home. The buses were packed and I was so tired and groggy I just wanted to get home and drink tea. Which is what I did.
After dinner I met up with some Sara, Dain and a few others for Pete's birthday. We went to the Met for a few drinks/ bottle of wine. Then made our way to the Load where we just missed the end of an Anne Summers party. We stayed at the Load til closing time and got incredibly drunk. We then found a wheely chair and pushed Pete all the way to his house. There was a wee accident on the way resulting in Richie's two front teeth being chipped pretty severely :/ I rode around on a bike that I had acquired from somewhere and nearly killed myself by cycling so fast to get away from Dain who was chasing me.
When we finally got to Pete's I drank some whisky, talked about Dr Who with James and then decided I wanted my bed. Ian rang me on my walk home to make sure I got back ok, which I did :)
Today I woke up with a rather sore head and a nauseous feeling but I braved through it and went to work at the Load. Pete and Richie came down and we tried to piece together the night but pretty much failed.
When I got home I made a pie for dinner, ate the pie and then sat on Tumblr all evening... exciting!

I have decided I'm not going into uni tomorrow, I work a lot more at home and I find it more relaxing. I feel a bit mean though as it's my friends birthday and I do kind of want to see her but it's just too far to travel and I know I wouldn't work when I got there.

Monday 2 May 2011

A long weekend

Thursday I woke very early due to a bad a dream and then did something I probably shouldn't. It set off a chain of events and ended up Ian and I meeting up at about 7am and having a big talk.
Hate how shit things have been going between us. I really hope things get better, it's going to take some time for me to fully be ok in this relationship again but things have been going ok so far.
After our chat we wet back to his and he cooked me a fry-up.
In the evening Lawson and Alun came to his and they had a mini band- practise/ Halo playing. I played Tiny Wings and watched my big fat royal gypsy wedding :)
Friday we watched The Wedding and I did some cleaning. In the evening we went to the cinema to watch Thor. It was so good!
After many discussions about the film we returned to mine and went to bed. In the morning we made our way to Tescos to pick up supplies for the days plans. I had a barbecue as the weather was really nice. It was such a good day! We played swing ball, stuffed ourselves with burgers and nibbles, I got rather drunk and sat around a fire.

After people left mine I met up with a few people and went for a little drive, we ended up at Little Britain but soon left after realising the place was filled with doggers. I got dropped home and Ian soon arrived back at mine (He had left earlier as he went to a gig).
After a long lie-in, Ian left and I did some uni work. In the evening I met up with Ian and his family and went to the Red Lion for dinner because it was his parents wedding anniversary. The discussions at the table were hilarious! Varying from his fathers stag do, to midget porn! Some may say not the the most appropriate thing to be talking about but I love how comfortable they all are around me now and it really makes me feel like one of the family :)
Today we watched the new episode of Fringe before I left to meet Jess at mine. We had a chat over many cups of tea and watched an episode of Embarrassing bodies.
I have just finished getting all my stuff together ready for tomorrow. I'm going back to uni, I have to show my tutors everything I have done so far. I think I have done enough and am on task. Can't say I'm very excited about going back, dreading the early mornings again and sitting on my own like a looser :/