Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hangover day

Friday daytime Jess came over for a wee catch up, we drank tea, watched Jeremy Kyle and ate pizza :)
In the evening I met up with Faye and Sarah at the Yarn. The drinks started flowing rapidly, we then moved onto the Treaty where the drinking continued. I got so drunk.

Very much regretted that the morning/day after. Ian came over to look after me when I woke up and we watched Shrek 3.
By evening time I was feeling a little better but still pretty hungover and in no way feeling up for drinking, however I manned through and went to a house party at Liz's. Was kinda dreading it and really didn't want to go, especially as I feeling crappy, but I knew Ian wanted to go so I went along too. Kinda regretted that too :/ Night was ruined, spent the entire time talking to Dan and crying and feeling miserable. Still pretty angry at that to be honest but nothing I can do I guess :/
Sunday was spent with Ian, napping, watching movies and a roast dinner. Monday we had a huge lay-in, mega lazy. After dinner we went back to mine for some pudding and movies.
I have been really busy today with my mom. We tidied up all of garden, cleaned up the house and went through the loft to find loads of kitchen stuff I can take to uni :)
Can't wait to move in now! Just going to miss a few people here and being able to have little random catch ups.

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