Monday 15 August 2011

The Good Times & The Bad

Friday was spent watching the most disturbing film I have ever seen with Ian and Dan. Keep having flashbacks when things remind me of it. It is called "A Serbian Film", don't watch it. Just please, don't.
Saturday I met my mom in Uxbridge to make our way to Camden. The trains were all pretty screwed up so we ended up getting the bus but we got there eventually. I brought some new earrings, a dress with cats on

and some huge sheets that I'm hoping will cover up the hideous wallpaper in my new bedroom. It has elephants on.
After the traditional chinese lunch while sat by the canal, we made our way home. Just spent the rest of the day with Ian, and Sunday, watching movies.
Saw Jess today for a bit. We watched Jeremy Kyle and had a nice chat over some tea. Found out I have summer project to do for my course which starts in like a little over a month. Other people on my course found out earlier and have started so I'm already behind :/

Feeling pretty weird today. A mix of emotions. One minuet I'm all talkative and the next I just want to lay in my room curled up on my bed in silence. I guess somethings playing on my mind and I can't quite figure out what I want to do about it. There are so many pro's and con's to both sides. I just don't know which choice I would be happier with. I know what people would say but they don't know how I'm feeling. There's only one person that truly understands what I'm feeling and why and I just can't talk to them about it because it's not right to involve them into my deliberation.

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