Monday 29 August 2011


I am sat in a room surrounded by boxes and a suitcase. I have started packing up my things. All of my clothes, shoes and some photos to remind me of good times :)
Friday evening was spent watching Brannigan's Law at the Trinity Bar. Keri came round for a while before Ellis picked us up. We had a long, confusing drive there in the rain but eventually found it.
When all of the bands finished a few people made their way to the Treaty. We all got pretty drunk as usual. Getting a kebab with Ian on the walk home seemed like amazing idea, which I very much regretted in the morning due to the flavour lingering about.
Saturday was planned to be a nice night in with a bbq, Dr Who and Ian. However due to my father being the complete psyhco he is, this didn't go to plan. Have never seen him flip out like that over nothing. Literally nothing. And then yelled at me in front of Ian while I was crying my eyes out.
Can't believe he did that in front of him, I was so embarrassed and shocked, but kinda pleased in a way that Ian could see it for himself and reassure me I wasn't overreacting and that he was in the wrong not me.
Ian whisked me away back to the safety of his house and ordered pizza and we made it just in time for Dr Who, which of course was amazing.
After returning home briefly and being blanked by my parents I quickly left and went to Faye's along with Luke. I had a pot noodle and some of the pizza they ordered. We then met up with a few people at the Met before going to the Treaty for the Laws second gig. Again got rather drunk and had a few random conversations with people.

Today I have been at Ian's watching films and eating fajitas. He now has a beardless face.
Lazing in bed with the cat at the moment not wanting to go to bed :/

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