Wednesday 24 August 2011

Loss of Memory and Orange Wednesday

Saturday evening was spent getting ridiculously drunk for the Sake of Harry's 21st. Pre-drinks were had mine as well as many bags of quavers. We then headed to Baroosh in town. Never been there before and other than the prices it was very nice. Got so drunk I don't remember leaving and getting to the Treaty. From there I vaguely remember having many chats with various people and getting my hand bitten by Chris.

After finding Ian, as he had wondered off, I started walking him home, periodically stopping for him to throw up. I then went my separate way and left Dan to take him the rest of the way as Ian didn't want me to stay at his due to his sate :P
The next day I woke up some time in the afternoon. I then went to Ian's and looked after him for the day while he recovered.
Yesterday I went to my house in Wycombe to move some stuff in to find that the landlord hadn't done any of the work he said he would do, like put in my double bed or clean the house. So I couldn't move my stuff in because I don't want it all about while he is moving shit around in my room. We have a week until we move in and he still hasn't done anything, I'm so angry. Jess sent the estate agents a very charming email so hopefully that will give them the kick up the backsides that they need.
In the evening I went to the Met with a few people to do the pub quiz. Of course we didn't win but there you go.
Today I got a few more bits for the house at Tescos. Went out for dinner with Ian at Pizza Express which was very yummy and nice to go out with the bf :) I then met up with some others and saw The Inbetweeners movie. It was so funny, nearly peed a little at some things. It was filmed in Magaluf so it brought back some awesome memories :)
Just waiting for Ian to finish watching a film with his dad at the cinema and then he is coming back to mine :)

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