Thursday 11 August 2011

Afternoon tea and a bottle of malibu for dinner

Tuesday I went into town in the afternoon and met up with an old uni friend, Emily. We had a Starbucks and a good catch up. The few friends I actually made on my foundation course are pretty cool, kinda miss seeing them and messing about in the studios.
The rest of the day was spent on the sofa drinking tea, eating popcorn and watching telly with my mom.
Wednesday I was up nice and early to go into Sainsburys and pick up any last bits we needed for the tea party. When I got home I helped tidy up the house and garden and set the tables and make sandwiches. People started arriving and we all sat out in the garden and quickly started devouring the food. Jess, Han and I went inside once we were stuffed and watched Jeremy Kyle and Come Dine With Me. I drank a little too much Pimms and got quite tipsy. By the time everyone had left I was getting a bit of a hangover :P

In the evening I went round to Ian's and tried to convince him to come to Ellis's party but that didn't turn out to plan but Lawson said I should still go. Really happy I did because it was an awesome night. Drank a whole bottle of Malibu to myself (my poor liver) talked for hours with Rea on the comfiest rocking chair and saw the best impression of a t-rex ever! Eventually went to bed at half 6 in the morning. Woke up to the smell of bacon and Lawson calling me a state so I got up and went downstairs where I realised I had slept through to 1 and missed a fry-up :( We watched How To Train Your Dragon and waited for the rain to stop then walked home.
I had some food when I got in and a shower which made me feel tonnes better.
I'm just waiting until 12 now when Ian finishes his band practice so I can go back to his for the night.

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