Sunday 3 July 2011

Stuff Happened

Tuesday Jess and Han came over in the evening and we watched Ghost Ship, ate popcorn and sweets and Jess tinted my eyelashes for me. The night was rather ruined by other occurrences but I'm glad the girls were there to keep me company and feed me tangfastics.
Wednesday I moped about the house until evening when I decided I had to get out and met up with some friends. They were going to the cinema but I didn't really feel like doing that so we went to MacDonald's for dinner and then I departed.
Thursday I cleaned at Ian's and then went suit shopping with him and his parents.
Friday I went into uni to collect all of my work and take down my display. I had a shop around in Wycombe and brought a maxi dress and a new top. The evening plans didn't exactly go to plan so I went to Ian's. We watched the second episode of the new True Blood season and then returned to mine.
Yesterday we slept in til 1 and when we eventually woke up we watched Dead Like Me. In the evening I made my parents a rather nice dinner with bbq lamb and potato salad. After I met up with some friends and went to the Met where we had a few drinks. Then moved onto the Yarn and then I departed from the group and went to the Treaty for Rock night. I got nicely drunk. Had lots of heart to hearts to a few people and walked home when the sun was coming up.
Not doing anything today other than stuffing myself with a roast dinner in a bit.

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