Monday 27 June 2011

House Viewing

So today I looked at the first house that is a possibility for becoming my student house for the next year. It was rather nice, I'm not sure what I was expecting. It is no way what I would go for in a 'home' but it will do for the year. My housemate Jess and I are going to have to draw straws on rooms though because we both want the nice one, fingers crossed!
We went to the estate agents and Jess's dad came along too as he knew what he was talking about and got the ball rolling. We are getting the contract tomorrow to be looked over and then we can start thinking about putting a deposit down! :)
Before Jess came and got me from Uxbridge as she was giving me a lift I had a look round the little vintage fair in the Pavillions. I brought a couple of nice rings for a pretty good price.

After a long, hot journey on the bus home I was greeted by a wonderful dinner a glass of wine. I now have nothing t do with my evening which is rather shit and I know that I'm going to over think shit and get myself all worked up :/
I need more wine...

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