Wednesday 15 June 2011

Going again

The weekend was spent in a field in Derby watching various bands play their music. It was really good music wise and I got to see many bands I have wanted to see for years such as System of a Down, Korn and Avenged Sevenfold.
The only thing that let the weekend down for me was the company. Faye and Sarah didn't hang around with us a lot due to wanting to see different bands etc which was a bit of a shame. But we were camped with a bunch of wankers. There were a few there I knew but the majority I had never met before and hopefully will never have to associate with again. I'm not naive, I know people do drugs, especially at festivals but when your friend has a fit from over dossing on MDMA, you calm it down a bit, but they didn't. Their life style and what they think is an acceptable manner for a 21st century human being is ridiculous and disgusting.
Nevertheless I got to share the weekend with Ian and we celebrated our year and 6 months on the Saturday which was lovely :)
I was meant to return on the Monday via train but due to terrible weather and me feeling a bit down I hopped in the back of Lees van and headed home with the lads on Sunday. Ian and I returned to his where I had a nice bath and snuggled into a real bed and watched some Wonderfalls.
Monday was spent washing clothes and catching up with mother.
Tuesday, Ian, my mother and I went to High Wycombe to view my art show and see the graduates stuff of the course I'm doing next year. Theirs was amazing! I really can't wait to learn how to create stuff like that because it was so clever and beautiful.
Ian brought me a doughnut as a "well done, I'm proud of you" present :)
When we got home I made fajitas for dinner and we watched Dr Who and the first few episodes of Dead Like Me.
We went into town this morning so I could get some euros for my holiday. I now have £3 in my bank account, I can withdraw nil! :(
We went our separate ways and I went home to see Jess and Han. We had a big catch up as I haven't seen them in ages, drank tea and watched some day time tele.
In the evening I met up with Ian again and he treated me to the cinema to watch X Men: First Class and a meal out at Pizza Express :) It was so lovely.
Did a bit more packing when I got home for Magaluf but still have loads to do tomorrow before I leave. Jess is coming round at 4 then we are getting a lift to Gatwick. This time tomorrow I will be in Magaluf! I'm a little nervous but realllly excited!! Hopefully I shall return with a nice tan :)

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