Thursday 21 July 2011

Salty Popcorn

Thursday evening went rather epicly. Ended up in the Electric Lounge where I had never been before but it was pretty good, plus £2 drinks made it even better.

I have spent the majority of my days at Ian's.We have been watching Dead Like Me, drinking tea and we made a chocolate cake at some point. We ate it with cookie dough ice-cream. NICEST THING EVER!

Yesterday Jess and Han came over in the evening. We ate pizza and popcorn, drank a lot of booze and attempted at watching horror films but that failed somewhat.

When we woke up this morning we had some cereal and watched Knocked Up.
The majority of the day I have just been watching Jeremy Kyle with my mom and beginning to feel pretty crappy.
I am now at Ian's, blogging and watching him play xbox. We are both feeling a bit under the weather so will probably just laze in bed and crash out soon.

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