Thursday 7 July 2011

The fella graduates

Monday evening Ian came over, we talked and watched Dead like me. I was craving salty popcorn so we went to the shop and brought all the packets they had left. I never used to like it but Jess has got me into it and now I just can't get enough. I realised today, after a whole bowl to myself, I was scraping the last bits of popcorn in the salt at the bottom of the bowl!
Tuesday I didn't do much during the day other than find an outfit for Ian's graduation. I rode my bike over to his in the evening so we could hang out for a bit. Riding my bike was a huge error, I am so unfit and I thought I was going to pass out I was so knackered by the time I got to his :/ The cycle home, down the hill was quite nice though.
Wednesday it was up early, shower, breakfast and then being picked up and on the way to Reading. We stopped off at a pub for some lunch before heading to the campus. The grounds were really nice and it all looked very posh. Ian scrubbed up rather well and looked very dapper in his robes and mortar board.

He has his moments of being pretty cool. This not being one of them :P

When we left and got back to Uxbridge we went to The Vine for dinner. I have never been there before but I will definitely go again. The food was incredible and the jammy dodger cheesecake was to die for!
Today I woke up and Ian made me a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea and we watched country house rescue for a bit. Lawson came over in the afternoon and we watched South Park so they could note Randy Marsh quotes to be used as lyrics.
I then headed home and helped mom make dinner.

This evening I have been informed by Facebook that my account is temporarily unavailable due to my computer having a virus. Which it doesn't. And that they want me to follow a few steps so that they can scan my computer and remove said infected files. I will not be following these steps as it is obviously a ruse of some sort. I just hope it comes back soon and I don't loose my account because I have loads of photos and awesome stuff on there and I will cry if I don't get it back :(

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