Monday 25 July 2011

Your photos are being uploaded

Friday was a pretty awesome day. Spent the day time with Ian and the evening was spent at the Met and Treaty with a bunch of pretty awesome dudes. Got very drunk, as always, walked home when the sun was coming up and dropped my burger in a puddle :(

Saturday I recovered while cleaning Ian's house. I then went home for some dinner, a big bowl of popcorn and watched Irobot.
Sunday I went to Ian's, we watched the finale episodes of Dead Like Me and had kievs for dinner and chocolate and marshmallows for pudding.
Today I went to Ian's, sorted out some stuff that needed sorting out and then I kicked his butt on the Deadliest Warrior game :)
This evening I have been uploading photos to my new Facebook account because I have come to accept that my old account is dead and wont be fixed :( And I miss all my photos so I want them on my new account, it is just taking forever! I'm going to have to try and finish doing it tomorrow.

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