Thursday 14 July 2011

Birthday rainbows

Tuesday Hannah and I went in search for presents for our favourite little gremlin's birthday. Due to our creative nature and a lack of money we decided to make some presents. I always think they mean more. We found some material and I made this little man.

He has a hole in his head where we put a necklace with a hot air pendant in. We also made her a cake. But not just any cake! A rainbow cake!!!

It was fairly easy to make and it turned out amazingly cool. Han and I were very proud and I hope Jess liked it. Today is her actual birthday so I am just waiting until I can leave to go into town and celebrate her birthday over many drinks.

Friday and Saturday evenings were spent at the Treaty mainly. They were such good nights. Friday I went out with Ian and his friends. We got extremely drunk and had an awesome time there, the walk home however was a different matter.
Saturday I met up with Faye and we ventured to the Met and Yarn before ending up at the Treaty. We danced to Soldier Boy and I drank so much. Sarah and Faye are incredible friends, when it comes to being in an awkward situation they know how to make things better.

I have spent many nights at Ian's this week and it has been rather lovely spending so much time with him. We have watched many episodes of Pushing Daises and a film called Quarantine, which I nearly shit myself too. I don't do scary films.
We went for a walk today and started doing this thing called Geocaching. There are over a million little containers hidden all over the world and using the GPS on an iphone you can track them down. We found 3 today. You log your name in and you can swap things if there is anything inside. It was like a treasure hunt and was great fun. Not to forget I found all of the containers! :P
Oooo also I have my house for next year! Signed the contract Monday. So I can start moving all my stuff in whenever I want and I move in officially 1st of September. All we need now is a 4th housemate.

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