Sunday 27 February 2011

Work and Play

Thursday I went into uni for the first time of the week. I did very little work. Went to the Noodle bar with some uni friends and went shopping in Primark with Emily. Got some nice dresses :)
When I returned home I did very little, watched Burke and Hare which is awesome.
Friday was spent cleaning Ian's house and doing uni work, getting things ready for my assessment which takes place next Thursday. Have so much to do!!! In the evening, parent folk, some family friends and myself went to the Swan and Bottle for dinner and a few drinks. Went back to their house after and played Wiii until half 1 in the morning! :)
Saturday I did yet more uni work and lazed about in my dressing gown trying to keep warm. In the evening I went to the Load for some pre-drinking before heading to a Brunel students house. They are part of the Star Trek club so I met them because of that, so cool :)
Was a really good night, what I remember. I got mistaken for a pillow because I fell asleep and didn't move for about 3 hours! Woke up at 4 and quickly stumbled home so my parents didn't go mad.
More uni work was completed today, am getting through it but still have tonnes to do.
Set up a Tumblr the other day, it's so addictive! Not a good thing when there is work to be completed.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Getting old

Monday I didn't do anything of interest during the day. In the evening I went to the pub and met up with Dain and a few other guys where we drank and counted down til it was my birthday. By that time came I was wasted, drank so much but was a good way to enter my 19th year on this earth.
The next morning I was feeling pretty rough, so lazed about in my dressing gown opening cards and playing Mario kart. My aunt came round to drop of my present and have a wee catch up. In the afternoon Ian came round and it was so good to see him again, especially on my birthday. Soon after Jess and Han arrived and we ordered pizza, which we scoffed while watching Chicken run. They also gave me my birthday presents which consisted of many willy orientated objects, an awesome mug, sweets and My neighbor Totoro DVD :)
We all went to the Met for a few drinks and were accompanied by a few others. We didn't stay out mega late but it was nice to see everyone.
Today Ian and I lazed about watching a T.V series called Drive which is really good. It was cancelled after the 6th episode so we are hoping it doesn't end on a cliffhanger but I think inevitably it will :(
Once again Ian had to depart which was sad. I tried to do some work but couldn't get into it so watched many things on iplayer and ate cream eggs.

My two favourite lads in the whole wide world! Both very fluffy :)

Sunday 20 February 2011


I went shopping with my mom Friday during the day. We had a nice lunch out and brought Mario kart. In the evening Ian came over to stay.
My parents went away this weekend to stay with some friends which left me with a free house, so I decided to have a party for my birthday. Saturday morning Ian and I cleared the house so it was party appropriate and spent the majority of the afternoon playing Mario kart.
The party went ok, people got drunk and a good time was had by all. As with all my house parties I get stressy about things and never really get drunk so I was a bit annoyed by the end but people helped me clear up and keep me calm :)


Ian helped me finish cleaning up the house today before he had to leave to go back to Reading. He is coming back for my actual birthday on Tuesday but I already miss him like mad.
I have done some uni work this evening and watched some telly but nothing very interesting.
I like it when my parents go away and I have a free house but I hate it when I'm alone. It's really quiet and a bit scary, glad I have my cat here to keep me company :)

Thursday 17 February 2011

Clear out

I didn't go to uni today like I was supposed to, instead I lied in bed. I did however have a huge clearout of all my old art work that was taking up most of my house. I was very ruthless and got rid of loads, but have kept some of my best bits and my mom wants to put some of my pieces up on the wall which is nice :)
After clearing up everything I went into Uxbridge and helped Ian pick a new bag to buy. We wondered around a bit and then he walked me home.
I made a chicken pie for dinner, not to blow my own trumpet but it was pretty scrumptious, it is one meal I can cook pretty perfectly. After scoffing that and making my playlist for my party on Saturday I went to the Load for a bit and had a few drinks.
When I got home I had a little chat with my dad and it was really nice. Not about anything in particular, it was just nice, we were getting on, which we don't normally do. Ended up with him telling me he is really proud of me and he loves me, is nice to know :)

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Cannot wait


Tuesday was spent sorting out my portfolio, I went into uni and my tutor helped me to put it in order and what to change so I went home and did that. It took pretty much all day to finally complete but it looked quite good when it was all done.
Today I had a nice lie in so I was all fresh and awake ready for my interview. I had to wait around until about 2 so watched some telly with my mom until it was time for her to drop me off. I got there about half an hour early, better to be late than never. I thought I would have to wait around for ages until my allotted time but they saw me straight away. I spoke really quickly and it felt like the interview only lasted 5 minuets but I think it was about 20. I wasn't told if I got a place there and then but that I would find out via UCAS within 2 weeks, so fingers crossed! He seemed very happy with my work and interested in what I wanted to do in the future so I think it went quite well.
When I got home I gave Jess and Han a call and they came over to mine for a much needed catch up. My mom cooked us a really nice dinner and we had tirimasu for pudding. We watched Hot Chick, drank tea and had an awesome catch up, I do love those girlies.

Monday 14 February 2011


Unfortunately I did not get to spend this day with my lovely boyfriend but I have never been a great fan of just showing your love on just one particular day.

Went to uni today, did so much work which I am rather proud of, waited around for my tutor to help with my portfolio but she never did so I gave up and went home, hopefully she will help tomorrow. After having some dinner and drinking some malt wine I went to the pub. Haven't been there in a while so had a nice catch up with people. When I got home I did some more work and then caught up with things on iplayer.
Really wish I had some chocolate.

Sunday 13 February 2011


The five days I spent in Amsterdam were amazing. Had a really good time and got on so well with people. Really feel a lot closer to people now :)
Had a good look round some galleries and museums, tried a bit of banana space cake which had no effect and took full advantage of the happy hour at the hostel :)
On the last day, Wednesday, we went to a gallery out of town, bumped into a group of guys only to realise it was A Day To Remember! Found out they were doing a gig literally two minuets away from the hostel so we went along. Was such an amazing end to the trip!

This weekend I went to Reading to see Ian. Sucked not being able to see or talk to him while I was away. Was a lovely couple of days lazing in bed, eating pizza and watching films :)
He brought me a really cute card and Iron & Wine tickets for valentines, what a lovely lad he is :)

Saturday 5 February 2011

A... Super night

Ian came over yesterday morning. We made our way to the fabric warehouse so I could get some white fabric to make mouse ears for my Danger Mouse costume. After spending the afternoon with Ian he headed home to watch the rugby. Jess and Hannah soon joined me for pre-drinks and to get ready before we went out to the pub. It was Faye's birthday and everyone dressed up as superheros. We started off at the Met, moved on to the Ostler, then the Yarn and ended up at the Treaty. Ian joined us at the Ostler and Jess, Han and I did a blowjob shot there which was incredible :)
It was a really good night and Faye was so drunk it was hilarious. Ian and I left about 2ish and we walked home, me in socks as my heels were killing me.

Today we watched Due Date and lazed in bed until he had to go as he was seeing A day to remember tonight, so jealous.
So I spent the evening packing and getting my stuff together as tomorrow I am going to Amsterdam! Have to be up at 5 which I am not looking forward to but I think it will be good. I'm a little nervous as I don't know how I'm going to get on with uni people and the girls I'm sharing a room with because I haven't spoken to them properly in a while, but I'm sure with a bit of Amsterdam influences I shall be more outgoing and chatty :)

Thursday 3 February 2011


Tuesday I took the executive decision to take the day off uni. I had a nice lie in and spent the majority of the day finishing my essay. I then watched telly for the rest of the evening.
Wednesday I got up nice and early and went into school to pick up all of my Alevel certificates and art work. Was really nice to see all my old teachers again as well. After some lunch I went to the pub to do cleaning which was pretty good. Ended up staying a few hours extra as Abby and John had popped down and we all had a few drinks.
I had sent Ian my essay so he could go through it for me and he gave me some tips and changes, so I spent the evening altering it and then had a nice relaxing bath.
Today I handed in my essay at uni and did some work. I also had the most depressing and lonely lunch ever, so I brought a belgian bun and went home.
Jess and Han came over in the afternoon for many cups of tea and a good ol' laugh.

I have the fittest friends!
After they left I had some dinner and watched telly with my parents. Just finished making Jess's Incredible logo for her costume tomorrow, aren't I a good friend :)
Can't believe how bad the new series of Skins is, the actors are terrible and it has lost it's spark :/